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Amateur leagues typically have a very different structure compared to professional sports leagues. There is no TV broadcaster, no police is involved, and the impact of fans is limited. Here is a short selection of requirements that we are familiar with.

  • Teams do not own their home venue, and typically share it with many other teams and sports. Venue available is heavily restricted. We can let teams provide a list of time slots on which they can organize a home game, and stick to that.
  • Players cannot be expect to be available just any time (e.g. holidays, exams, marriage, …). We can let teams provide a list of dates on which they prefer not to play and try to satisfy this as much as possible.
  • No teams likes to have a close succession of matches in a short period of time (e.g. to avoid injuries). We can spread the matches of each team nicely over the season.
  • We can create a schedule where all teams have played more or less the same number of matches at each point in the season.
  • We can take travel distances into account, making sure that teams to not need to travel far on certain days.
  • If several teams belong to the same club, we can make sure that these teams play their home games on the same day (or that not more teams have a home game than there are terrains available).

Our Approach

  • You collect the information, we compute the schedule as a service. Alternatively, we develop a scheduling tool that fits your needs.
  • In principle, we can handle any requirement that matters to you. If you can explain it to us, we can include it in our algorithm.
  • We also understand that not every requirement is equally important. We let you set the right priorities.
  • If it is mathematically impossible to schedule all the games given the venue or player availabilities, we offer indications of which teams to talk to in order to obtain a solution.

A success story

Since 2009, we are providing the schedules for the LZV Cup, an amateur indoor soccer association. Originally, we scheduled 4 leagues in the region of Leuven. Nowadays, the LZV Cup has dozens of competitions in all Flemish provinces. Our scheduling approach has made it possible to generate schedules for all these leagues with a minimal time investment. At the same time, the quality of our schedules is much appreciated by the players.

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